Our school is dedicated to providing smooth transitions for students at different stages of their educational journey. We understand the importance of making these transitions seamless and enjoyable for both students and their families.
Kinder to Foundation Transition: Launch into Learning Program 🚀
Our Launch into Learning Program is designed to help children transition from Kindergarten/Childcare to Primary School. This program aims to familiarize children and parents with our school facilities, introduce them to teachers, and engage them in fun learning activities. The goal is to create a positive and comfortable environment for the start of their formal education. The program has a proven track record of success in preparing children for the years of learning ahead.
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition 🏫
Recognizing the challenges associated with moving from Year 6 to Year 7, we have implemented a comprehensive transition program. Our approach includes:
- Building Strong Links: We maintain strong connections with local Secondary Colleges to ensure a smooth transition.
- Following Enrolment Procedures: We adhere to the enrolment process and current procedures outlined by the Department of Education and Training.
- Facilitating Communication: Transition coordinators from both government and non-government secondary colleges have the opportunity to meet with their future students and Year 6 teachers upon request.
- Documenting Student Information: We complete relevant documentation of student information for future secondary schools.
- Informing Parents: We provide information about secondary school information nights and visits to parents/carers.
- Student Visits: Students are given opportunities to visit their future secondary school, easing the unfamiliarity of the new environment.
These measures collectively ensure a secure and enjoyable transition, emphasizing both the academic and emotional aspects of the process.
Our commitment is to make every transition a positive step in our students' educational journey.