Catherine Blue | Principal
Catherine Blue | Principal

Meet Our Principal


Welcome to Evergreen Primary School – Principal’s Message


Welcome to Evergreen Primary School! 

Thank you for taking the time to explore our school website to get an understanding of the beautiful school community we have to offer.


We are very proud to be a small school with a positive reputation within the community.  Our school culture is built on care and respect where partnerships between home and school are paramount and nurtured.


At Evergreen Primary School we explicitly teach our CARE values – Compassion, Achievement, Respect and Engagement, and this is reflected in the respectful behaviour demonstrated by our students, staff and families.  


We offer a wide range of programs with literacy and numeracy development highlighted as a priority. High expectations are held for each child and learning is differentiated for individual learning strengths and needs.  Class sizes are small and facilitate personalised teaching and learning. Our school is equipped with ipads and Chromebooks which allow us to embed technology into learning sessions to enhance the outcomes for our students. We provide specialist programs in the areas of Visual Art, Physical Education, Auslan and Cultural Studies. 


An extensive transition program exists for children moving into foundation with visits, information sessions, home-school contact and a buddy program being highlights. We aim to know your child and family well before day one of school!


Our staff are passionate about making a difference to the academic, social and emotional learning of your child.  Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or wish to book a tour.


– Catherine Blue | Principal  |   Evergreen Primary School


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